
Author Archives: thomas

31 Jan 2015

Artistic Mission

Using ingredients from our unique Afropean experience, Tabanka creates -Soul Dance-. We dance the vibrations of our soul, the survival of our spirits, the essence of our experience and the pulse of our lives. Through dance we share our deepest vibrations and seek to relate and connect with our audiences.

31 Aug 2014

Short intro to Tabanka

The Technique seamlessly merges ancestral movements, historical and culturally contextualized vocabulary with contemporary African and Diaspora movement and sensibilities. It bridges the gap between “urban freestyling” and traditional dance. It offers a fused approach to stylized movement for stage and art production. The Talawa movement vocabulary stays true to Africanist dance heritage, rooting down towards the ground. The Talawa Technique performance is often characterized by a heavy strength that draws power from the support of the earth below our feet. […]

31 Aug 2014
08 Feb 2014
12 Aug 2012

ONLY WHEN WE DANCE – Alive till I’m Dead

ONLY WHEN WE DANCE – Alive till I’m Dead tar for seg livet, det triste, det glade, det uforglemmelige og det flytende. Forestillingen tar utgangspunkt i Trinidad, Jamaica, Cuba og Haitis unike dansevokabular, og viser en spontan kraft med fortidens tyngde og fremtidens hÃ¥p. Resultatet er en hyllest til livet og dansegledens uknuselige sjel.   Estetikken i denne forestillingen trekkes fra Orisha dansene som er Ã¥ finne i Karibia og Sør-Amerika, sÃ¥ vel som store deler av Vest Afrika. Orisha […]