TALAWA CORE AND ESSENTIALS Name First Last Date DD dot MM dot YYYY dd.mm.yyy er nå formatet og dere kan velge fra kalenderen.Start time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Write when the session started hereEnd Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Write when the sessioned ended hereEmail ARM AKIMBOSArm Placements 32 Arm Akimbo up and down 32 4sectioned with reverse and anklework 32 with yanvalou 7-4 32 with yanvalou 7-1 4 sectioned counterpositions up and down 4 sectioned counterpositions bulked (1-4,4-1 etc) Here you do the basic hand placement in different combinations.ROCKING AND SWINGINGHips Rocking, Swinging Rocking, Akimbo, Le, Diamond Swinging Akimbo, Le, Diamond Stabs Closed feet Stabs Parallell feet Stabs diamond feet (turned out) Pelvic Rocks in position 2-6-4-8 The various hip rocking and swinging exercises. Additional info Rocking and SwingingWrite how many you did of each, if there were any complications. What you need to work on and if goals were reached.BASE BALANCE AND GROUNDING14 base positions 14 positions right foot 14 positions left foot 14 positions alternating starting right 14 positions alternating starting left Leg push ups in each of the 14 positions (10 in each) Lying on back raise feet and point/flex Extra strength combo, position 5.6.7 Lifting toes do 14 positions 11 with ankle and knee combo Base balance and feet exercisesFeet and base akimbos.Write how many you did of each, if there were any complications. What you need to work on and if goals were reached.Centre and contraction workCentre and contractions Akimbo Chestrock in situpposition Rocking forward and back chest standing Rocking forward and back sitting on knees Swinging forward and back standing Swinging forward and back sitting on knees Regular situps Regular sit-ups with feet raised Situps diagonals Damballah Rolls Make sure you are in centre and around centre. Centre and ContractionsWrite how many you did of each, if there were any complications. What you need to work on and if goals were reached.Back and FULL BODYBack and full body Dringking Lion Drinking Lion position 2 Sneaking Leopard (girlposition) Sneaking Leopard position 2 Sneaking leapard (feet apart) Sneaking leopard feet together Mambas Cobras Regular Push ups (wide, together, normal) Static hold in each position including crocodile Back and Full BodyWrite how many you did of each, if there were any complications. What you need to work on and if goals were reached.SUPERBELLY COMBO DAMBALLAH CHESTROCK DIAGONAL LEG UP CRUNCH TURTLE (PULL FEET INN TWIST) TURTLE ON A BIKE MOUNTAINCLIMBER TALAWAsTALAWAS Hungry Belly Leaning Diva Diving Eagle Flexing eagle Dizzy Man Wine 3, step 14 Yanvalou 14 Edem Chante Rhythm Method 32 flow paths 32 flow undulation TalawasWrite how many you did of each, if there were any complications. What you need to work on and if goals were reached.HOMEWORK, OBSERVATIONS AND PERSONAL GOALSHIPSWines (Round the Centre) Round Centre in 5 Round Centre in 6 Round Centre in 7 Technical Wines Technical in 5 Technical in 6 Technical in 7 Wines (in centre) In Centre 5 In Centre 6 In Centre 7 Swings (with last mile) Swings in 5 Swings in 6 Swings in 7 Figure 8s 8 in 5 8 in 6 8 in 7 Hip and knee "juks" and "Jacks" Knees inn hips inn Knees out hips out Knees inn hips out Knees out hips inn This is done low in base akimbo 5 og 6 and done in akimbo 1 when high. Practice both!!! Δ