

Fulljoyment Praxis (Prestø) is a holistic framework that encompasses both the mental and physical preparation and engagement necessary to intentionally cultivate and sustain communal joy. It integrates the ideological commitments of jocundity, which focuses on the collective ethos of joy as a form of empowerment and resistance, with the practical regimen of Feteletics (Prestø), a targeted physical training program designed to equip individuals with the stamina and physical readiness required for active participation in joyous communal activities. Together, these elements aim to make joy both an achievable and sustainable experience in the face of systemic challenges and individual limitations.


Jocundity is a multifaceted concept that embodies the intentional cultivation and celebration of joy within Black art forms and social activities. It encompasses the collective agreement and unity to prioritize joy as a transformative and empowering force. Jocundity involves a conscious choice to embrace joy, especially in the face of systemic oppression and adversity, allowing individuals and communities to reclaim agency and resist dominant narratives. It recognizes the dynamic interplay of call and response, where the shared energy and participation amplify the communal experience of joy. Jocundity serves as a testament to the resilience, creativity, and cultural interconnectedness within Black communities, fostering a sense of belonging and collective upliftment.

Jocundity, a term coined by merging the concepts of “jocund” and “solidarity,” encapsulates the essence of mutual agreement and unity within Black art forms and social activities to cultivate and facilitate joyous expressions and feelings. Rooted in the etymological roots of “jocund” an adjective used to describe a mood, atmosphere, or person that is cheerful, light-hearted, and full of high spirits. It implies not just happiness, but often a sense of ease and carefree enjoyment. The term is often used in literary contexts and is considered somewhat formal or old-fashioned in modern everyday language. It suggests a type of joy that is both hearty and shared, often radiating to people around the person or environment described as jocund. Jocundity alsodraws upon the definition of solidarity as unity and mutual support within a group, jocundity signifies a deliberate and communal dedication to joy.

In addition, jocundity acknowledges an “in spite of” element, recognizing that it arises as a joint effort by communities that have endured traumatic events, experienced marginalization, racial oppression, or gender/identity oppression. It is a conscious choosing of joy, especially for communities who may have reasons to lean towards sadness, anger, or disavowment. Instead, they engage with agency through joy. This intentional embracing of joy becomes an act of resistance and liberation.

Call and response plays a vital role in the energy of jocundity, further contributing to the joint effort. The dynamic exchange of voices, rhythms, and energies in call and response creates a participatory and inclusive environment where joy is shared and amplified. It becomes a communal conversation, a dialogue of celebration and affirmation, fostering a sense of togetherness and solidarity among participants. Call and response adds an interactive and collaborative dimension to jocundity, enhancing the collective experience of joy and reinforcing the bonds within the community.

Within the context of this discussion, jocundity specifically refers to the embodied experiences and expressions found within Black communities, where there exists a shared understanding and commitment to consecrate moments and spaces to the cultivation of joy. It encompasses a communal sense of ease that allows individuals to transition into a state of joy together, guided by mutual agreement and purpose.

Jocundity recognizes that joy and vibrancy are not solely individual experiences but can be nurtured and shared within a group or community. It acknowledges the power of Black art forms and social activities in creating spaces that prioritize joy as a crucial element of cultural preservation, resistance, and resilience. Through jocundity, Black individuals come together, united by a common interest, to support one another and celebrate the inherent vitality and life force within their shared cultural heritage.

From an academic standpoint, jocundity delves into the socio-cultural dynamics at play, acknowledging the historical and contemporary contexts that have shaped Black art forms and social activities. It recognizes the impact of colonial impositions and systemic oppressions, while highlighting the agency and autonomy of Black communities in defining and reclaiming spaces of joy. Jocundity situates itself within a broader discourse on cultural interconnectedness, emphasizing the enduring relevance and vitality of Black traditions in the face of adversity.

Embodied in nature, jocundity goes beyond theoretical frameworks and engages the physicality and lived experiences of individuals. It manifests through intentional cultivation of joy expressed through movement, music, visual arts, and other creative practices. Call and response, as a dynamic element, amplifies the energy and participation in jocundity, enhancing the collective experience and reinforcing the sense of unity. Jocundity, as an embodied concept, recognizes the transformative power of joy and its ability to uplift and empower communities, fostering resilience, resistance, and liberation.

Feting and Jocundity: Celebrating Joy in Communal Rhythms

Feting and jocundity intertwine as vibrant threads in the tapestry of celebration and joy within Caribbean culture. Feting, the art of embracing and reveling in lively social gatherings, converges with jocundity, a profound dedication to shared expressions of joy and unity.

Feting encapsulates the essence of Caribbean festivities, where music, dance, and exuberant interactions converge to create a spirited and pulsating atmosphere. It is a communal endeavor that invites individuals to immerse themselves in the rhythms of life, transcending individual boundaries to participate in a collective expression of joy. Feting is an embodiment of the jocundity ethos, as it consciously chooses and cultivates joy as a central element of cultural identity and resilience.

Jocundity, in turn, serves as the guiding principle underlying the feting experience. It represents a deliberate commitment to joy, particularly in the face of adversity and marginalization. It is an act of agency and resistance for communities who have endured the weight of colonialism, enslavement, and displacement. Jocundity acknowledges the power of joy as a transformative force, offering a counterpoint to narratives of sadness, anger, or disavowal. Through feting, individuals and communities reclaim their agency, celebrating their cultural heritage with unabashed enthusiasm and pride.

Feting and jocundity go hand in hand, fostering a sense of togetherness and camaraderie. The lively rhythms, infectious melodies, and pulsating energy of feting create an immersive experience that unifies participants in a shared celebration of life. Call and response, a vital component of Caribbean music and dance, adds an extra layer to the jocundity of feting, amplifying the joint effort and collective engagement. It encourages mutual support, upliftment, and the creation of joyous spaces where all can fully participate.



-A modern concept as the very physical work and activity in the Caribbean before meant the population were already fit enough for the dance activities.

In the expansive tapestry of collective well-being and happiness, two intertwined practices stand out: jocundity and Feteletics. Both situated under the overarching framework of Fulljoyment, these praxes represent the dual commitment to joy—mental and physical, ideological and practical.

Feteletics: The Preparation for Communal Celebrations

Feteletics is not merely a concept but a committed lifestyle of long-term preparation. It is the months of gym workouts from June to February (in the case of Trinidad & Tobago), rigorously designed to prep the body for the high-octane energy of Caribbean carnivals. It’s the year-round jogs around the Savannah and the miles clocked on the treadmill, all with a singular goal—to be physically prepared to engage in collective activities that involve physical exuberance, rhythmic coordination, and a fair share of ecstatic dance moves.

Commitment to Physical Readiness

Feteletics is more than casual exercise; it’s a targeted regimen aimed specifically at achieving the stamina and physical resilience needed to fully experience the joys of communal festivities. The practice acknowledges that joy, especially in the context of community celebrations like carnivals and fetes, requires physical effort and endurance. By training with a purpose, practitioners of Feteletics prepare themselves to not just participate but to last the distance, amplifying their own joy and contributing to the collective energy.

Symbiosis with Jocundity

While jocundity supplies the conceptual and ideological bedrock that champions the communal ethos of joy, Feteletics acts as the operational wing. It offers the physical preparation that enables individuals to manifest jocundity’s high ideals. In a symbiotic relationship, jocundity sets the stage for the intentional celebration of joy as a collective act, while Feteletics ensures that individuals are physically equipped to play their parts passionately and enduringly.

The Community Catalyst

Beyond the individual, a community where Feteletics is practiced is a community optimized for collective joy. Imagine a carnival where every participant has trained for months, ensuring they can dance through the night without fatigue, elevating the group’s energy and sustaining the joyful atmosphere. This deliberate amplification of physical capacity not only enhances personal experience but also contributes to a more vibrant, sustained collective celebration.

Beyond the Event: The Culture of Fulljoyment

Together, jocundity and Feteletics form the two pillars of Fulljoyment praxis, offering a holistic approach to joy that transcends the fleeting moments of actual events. Fulljoyment is not just about a day or a season; it’s a cultural commitment. It recognizes joy as both a spiritual endeavor and a physical undertaking, as a purpose in itself and as a practice requiring rigorous preparation.

In the pursuit of Fulljoyment, jocundity provides the philosophical framework for intentionally cultivating joy as an act of collective empowerment and resistance. Feteletics complements this by being the physical training program designed to prepare individuals for the tangible, corporeal aspects of such joy. Whether it’s months spent lifting weights or running laps, the idea is clear: Preparation today enables the celebration of tomorrow, making joy not just an aspiration but an attainable, sustainable reality.